Why Radio?
Radio is a huge, non-threatening medium. People who would never attend a meeting or let a colporteur into their homes can tune into radio prophecy seminars and “read” Christian audio literature from our radio stations. Radio can get through walls and go into locked communities and other so-called impenetrable places.
Family First operates full-time teaching stations. Every day, we broadcast talk shows with Doug Batchelor and others; sermons and Revelation seminars from dozens of speakers; health, medical, and temperance programs from top Adventist health professionals; religious liberty, family, finance, Creation, and children’s programs; and book-readings such as the Conflict Series and the Bible. We have 10 radio stations reaching a huge potential of 12 million people with last-day messages! The current population of the United States is at 332 million, meaning we are potentially reaching 1 in every 28 people in the whole USA! To make your donations most effective, we operate all of our stations with only volunteers and a few contractors, with very sacrificial compensation.
Please Note: This is an older video and some facts and data may be out of date. That being said, Adventist ratios in most places mentioned have not improved.
Our “all talk” radio format is every evangelist’s dream come true – continuous evangelism 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, 365 days a year, listener’s possible audience! Only mass-media can do this. Listeners come into our radio meetings at any time and stay for as long as they want without any pressure. After some time, many show up at church, some seeking baptism on their first visit. When asked questions, it is often discovered that they have taken the advertised Bible studies as well as the more advanced studies. Many of these listeners are amazed to learn so much about the Bible on these radio stations.
Of all the types of religious radio programming, Family First has shown undoubtedly that a talk format for radio is the format that gets baptisms! Music can be divisive – too much beat, too little beat, too contemporary, too classical, etc. Thus, Family First Radio stations have broken the mold and overwhelmingly proven that all-talk radio can get large numbers of baptisms that last!